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Student Programme
Put students in the driver's seat by teaching them about the science of how they learn and the power of improving metacognition. Integrate the best strategies and a common language throughout the whole school community. Cultivate motivation and a learning mindset for all.  

A Tailored approach: What's included?

Survey students; talk to teachers

Start by tapping into what students know. Find out what teachers need.


Student workshops led by a teacher  

  • Each session is tailored for an individual school's context based on prior understanding and needs, including topics such as: 

    • The Science of Learning - how the memory works and how this understanding will help you learn and thrive​

    • The Power of Planning - how to organise your study to avoid overload and procrastination

    • The Teenager Brain - what every teen should know about their brains

  • Session timings are tailored to individual school needs

  • Follow-up suggestions and quizzes deepen and measure understanding

  • Downloadable workbook serves as an easy-to-follow reference 

  • Sessions are tailored for different ages and needs


Teacher training and parent support

Teacher training and tips ensure teachers model learning strategies in their content areas. Parent workshops help parents and carers support their children at home. These are webinars or in-person training. 


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Sample Long Courses


Memory, Mindset and Making it Stick


Designed for GCSE & A-level (high school students), these sessions give students a solid grounding in the science of how they learn and how to organise their own study, set goals and become powerful metacognitive thinkers. Topics include:  


1: Understanding How You Learn: The Science of Learning

2. Spacing out Your Study: Steps for Getting Organised & Staying Motivated

3. The Power of Pictures and Words: Dual Coding and Chunking to Maximise Memory

4. The Myth of Multitasking: Managing Working Memory and Distractions

5. Developing Metacognition and Handling Setbacks 



Transition Unit: Making the Move to Secondary School​


These sessions are specifically designed for Year 6 or Year 7 students and/or students moving from middle school to high school, based on transition. Transition points in a learner’s journey are important and exciting milestones that have a big impact on self-belief and future academic performance, attendance and positive behaviour, according to research. Equip students with the right learning strategies and mindset for a successful transition.

1. The Best Strategies for Making Information Stick

2. The Power of Getting Organised 

3. Managing Your Thinking Space

4. What Year 7 said: Advice from Students 




Motivation & Memory: How to Study and Save Time!

Effective learners not only work hard, they work smart. As part of an on-going Year 11 programme called Memory and Mindset, designed by TailoredPractice, Orchard Park Year 11 students participated in the third of series of workshops to both inspire them to succeed as well as teach them, step-by-step, how to revise at home—from the most impactful learning strategies to creating systems to space out their learning.

The day kicked off with Cameron Parker, a motivational speaker, who told the students, ‘We should focus on the small steps because if we do that the small wins will result in a big win." Then students circulated to different workshops led by Orchard Park English, Maths and Science teachers to guide and simulate what to do when revising at home right down to what to have next to you at your desk to how to know if the revision worked! 


The day culminated with a session on how to make a revision calendar that is realistic and effective, led by teacher Ian Clarke and Tricia Taylor, director of TailoredPractice. ‘These organisational skills students are learning now will be habits they can use for a lifetime—for school, work and life,’ said Tricia.


Choose what's right for you



Secondary School, Bromley UK

Home Learning 

Pre-recorded workshops; follow-up suggestions for parents and teachers. Students learn in their own time or teachers post sessions on the school hub as part of home learning or a blended approach. 




Teacher-taught lesson materials include slides and talking points for the teacher to deliver with confidence. Tailored for different time periods, 30 to 60 minutes.




Pre-record videos, as above, as well as printable booklets covering the same material for students who do not have online access or for alternative option.

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I just wanted to say a big thank you to you. I honestly convinced myself (apparently my family too) that I was going to completely and utterly fail, but you got me through it all. I got an A and a B in English when we all were discussing retaking them!


Year 11 girl, London 


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